PM Orban's Policy Chief: The Left in Brussels Tried to Thwart it, but Failed, NatCon Kicks Off on Tuesday

Threats from antifa groups proved ineffective and the organizers have found a new venue.

2024. 04. 15. 15:09
orbánbalázs, Orbán Balázs (Forrás: Facebook / Orbán Balázs)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As Magyar Nemzet reported in an earlier piece, a new venue had to be found for the NatCon conference in Brussels after Concert Noble, picked as the event space, received threats from antifa groups. The future of the National Conservative conference due to take place in Brussels has come into doubt after the hosting venue pulled out of the event.

Frank Furedi, executive director of MCC Brussels, the co-organizer think-tank, said that the Brussels Times had previously reported that anti-fascist groups had called on the venue to reconsider the decision and also announced plans to stage a protest against the event, the Hungarian Mandiner portal reported. The portal also noted that the issue was resolved swiftly, because on Sunday afternoon, Balazs Orban, the prime minister's policy chief, took to Facebook writing

The Left in Brussels tried to thwart it, but FAILED. Despite all their efforts, this year's National Conservatism Conference kicks off in Brussels on Tuesday.

Renowned invitees scheduled to take part in the conference include

  • Hungary's PM Viktor Orban,
  • former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki,
  • Israel's Minister for Diaspora Affairs and the Fight against Anti-Semitism Amichai Chikli,
  • former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman
  • German Cardinal Gerhard Muller.

Click here for the official program.

Cover photo: Balazs Orban, the Hungarian prime minister's policy chief (Source:Facebook/Balazs Orban)

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